2024 Legislative Conference Presentations and Files (Conference details below)

Status Updates from MOHR's Current Government Affairs Workplan (PDF)

Review of 2024 Employment Law Changes - What's Coming in 2025 and Implications for MOHR Providers (PDF)

2025 Legislative Dynamics (PPT)

2025 ARRM Legislative Priorities (PPT)

EE MOHR August 2024 Presentation (PPT)

2024 Policy Trends and Federal Updates from ANCOR (PPT)

DHS DSD Updates 2024 (PPT)

GAC Transportation Presentation 2024 (PPT)

Minnesota Demographics and Trends (PDF)


Conference Details

August 22-23, 2024

Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center

Alexandria, MN

Please join us for the 2024 Annual MOHR Legislative Conference. As in past years, we will share updates on the latest developments regarding state and federal issues impacting the services provided by MOHR members, and begin building our upcoming MOHR Government Affairs Agenda.

You can register for the conference and find further information at this link.

The conference will be held all day Thursday August 22 through midday Friday August 23, 2024 at Arrowwood Resort and Conference Center in Alexandria, MN. Hotel reservations at Arrowwood need to be taken care of by attendees and are not part of conference registration. Call (320) 762-1124 to make your reservations. Conference program agenda below!

Please note the conference registration deadline of August 12 as well as the Arrowwood resort room block deadline of July 22.

We hope to see you there!








MOHR 2024 Legislative Conference Agenda

MOHR members are encouraged to email suggestions for the MOHR legislative areas of focus survey to Julie Johnson and Anni Simons (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Submitted ideas will be added to the MOHR legislative areas of focus survey, which will be emailed to MOHR members and conference attendees the morning of the second day of the conference. Please submit your ideas by 6 pm on the first day of the conference.

Thursday August 22
8:00 - 9:00 am: Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:10 am: Legislative Retreat Welcome
Robin Harkonen (East Range DAC), Julie Johnson (MSS), Julie Zbaracki (Partnership Resources), Mike Burke (Productive Alternatives), MOHR Members
9:10 - 10:00 am: Preview of Dynamics Shaping the 2025 Legislative Session
Kevin Goodno, Fredrikson & Byron
10:00 - 11:00 am: Current MN Dept of Employment and Economic Development Initiatives of Interest to MOHR
Meghan Hanson, MN Department of Employment and Economic Development
11:00 – 11: 45 am: Status Updates from MOHR’s Transportation Subcommittee
Tim Schmutzer (PHASE-Industries) and Mike Greenbaum (Newtrax), MOHR Members
11:45 – 12:15 pm: Status Updates from MOHR’s Current Government Affairs Workplan
Julie Johnson (MSS), Mike Burke (Productive Alternatives), Robin Harkonen (East Range DAC), MOHR Members
12:15 - 1:15 pm: Lunch
1:15 - 2:30 pm: Current MN Department of Human Services Initiatives of Interest to MOHR
Kristy Howe and Meghan Lindblom, MN Department of Human Services
2:30 - 3:45 pm: Current Federal Updates of Interest to MOHR
Lydia Dawson, ANCOR
3:45 - 4:00 pm: Update on ARRM’s 2025 Legislative Agenda
Lori Schluttenhofer (Opportunity Partners), MOHR Member
Retreat attendees will make their own plans for dinner Thursday evening. Retreat attendees can participate in recreational activities (including a golf scramble so bring your golf clubs if you are interested) and a hospitality room on Thursday evening. Logistical information about those optional activities, including how to sign up, will be shared in the welcome remarks on Thursday morning.
Friday August 23
8:00 - 8:30 am: Continental Breakfast
8:10 - 8:30 am: MOHR Extended Employment Committee Meeting to Elect Committee Leaders
8:30 - 9:30 am: Interactive Session - Helping to Guide MOHR’s Government Affairs Committee Agenda Setting Work (Survey Completion and Results Discussion)
Julie Johnson (MSS), Mike Burke (Productive Alternatives), Robin Harkonen (East Range DAC), MOHR Members
9:30 - 10:30 am: Presentation from Office of Minnesota State Demographer
Dr. Eric Guthrie, Minnesota State Demographic Center
10:30 - 11:30 pm: Review of 2024 Employment Law Changes, What’s Coming in 2025, and Implications for MOHR Providers
Janet Dorr, Fredrikson & Byron
11:45 am: Close of Retreat

 Please register by August 12, 2024

Room block deadline is July 22. Call (320) 762-1124 to make your reservations.